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Hello fellow authors

Daydreaming with a Book

Are you an author with a genre of romance, chick-lit, self-help, non-fiction, fiction, Christian, erotica, or new adult? 


If so, I would love to help you get seen! 


I offer four different book review offers to suit all your needs.

Reading Glasses on Book

Choose your package!


Highlighted on-site for 1 week

Mention on podcast

Review posted to site



Highlighted for 2 weeks 

Mention on podcast
Review posted to site


Highlighted on-site for one month.

Mention on podcast

Review posted to site

15-minute on air interview


Highlighted on-site for two months.

Mention on podcast

Review posted on the website

30-minute interview with the author on air

Scoring System

Reading a Magazine
  • One star -reviewer considers it a complete waste of time

  • Two stars- reviewer considers acceptable but not happy with it.

  • Three- reviewer considers satisfactory, not too bad: This was an average but satisfying read.

  • Four- reviewers liked and would recommend the book to friends/family

  • Five - Reviewer considers the book to be something that everyone should read. You would reread it.



Second part of the review. 

What my full review of your book would entail:


I will describe what the book is about, discuss what I liked, and give some things that I think could have been changed. 


Do a well-rounded review, and finally, give it a star rating. ​

Comic Book Illustrations
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