Business Owners Social Media Kits.
Are you tired of doing all your social media by yourself? Let us help you.
Package Two: One-hour interview and 6 social media clips.
1. One-hour professional interview showcasing you and your business,
2. Six clips that are the top highlights of the hour interview, showcasing the best of the best to use on your social media. This is a great tool to draw attention to you and your business without the hassle of having to do video’s yourself.
Price $650
Package Three: Ultimate All-Inclusive Social media kit.
1. One-hour professional interview showcasing you and your business.
2. Six clips are the top highlights of the hour interview, showcasing the best to use on your social media. This is a great tool to draw attention to you and your business without the hassle of having to do video’s yourself.
3. Plus a 2-5 min trailer, taking the best content of your hour interview and condensing it down to send to potential clients sets you apart from the rest in your industry!
Price $1000