This weekend was a day of spending with my loved ones who are still here.
As I approach the week before Christmas, I am intentional about remembering the different Christmases we have had over the years and even looking at pictures from when my parents were young.
I am so grateful for the gift of pictures.
I have pictures of my dad and mom’s Christmas of 1964, then when my parents were dating, and then the ones I was telling you about earlier when my uncle Brian was home with all our cousins.
It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Pictures are the best way to save a memory.
I am usually the one who takes all the pictures now, but I am grateful for the ones from before I was even thought of.
It’s a legacy that will live on for generations to come. I have scrape books and scrape books of pictures, and I love going back and looking at them.
Do you like looking at old pictures from generations? Did your family keep them for you and your generation?
I would love to see some of your old pictures. Please share them with us on social media or email them at
With love and gratitude.